In what circumstances does Possum Removal become necessary?

Professional possum removal services in Sydney are proving to be a highly profitable business. With the growing population in Sydney, this is a likely trend.

A phenomenal success story of the professional possum removal service in Sydney was when they rescued about 30 possums from an abandoned home. Possums are one of the most common pests that cause a mess in residential and commercial properties. Reports reveal that they eat pet food, damage property, and even harm humans.


Possums are native Australian animals that won't harm humans. They usually don't approach humans. They can, however, pose a health risk to the occupants of a house or workplace if they infest there.

Possums in your Sydney property can be a threat if they are causing problems, so you should seek the professional possum removal services in Sydney.

ASRS pest control company offers Sydney residents the best possum removal services from the team of experienced possum specialists. We place ourselves as the number one choice for humane possum trapping services due to our years of hard work.

An infestation of possums can wreak havoc on your property.

Possums cause health issues and damage that can be expensive to fix around your property for several reasons:

     Humans can develop flesh-eating ulcers through the bacteria in possum droppings or even develop permanent disabilities.

     A possum prefers trees in rural and semi-urban areas. In urban areas, however, possums nest on roofs, damaging the tiles during the process.

     It does not matter what food you leave inside your house or workplace - they will eat it.

     Other problems include tearing up the ductwork and insulation, producing unpleasant odours, leaving stains, and more.

     You may have to deal with possums being aggressive toward your pets.

     There is a tendency for possums to carry fleas and ticks.

Removal of Possums in Sydney, Australia on an emergency basis

Australian law prohibits the killing of possums or attempting to remove possums without a permit. Removing possums is a delicate procedure. If you are trying to trap possums with traps, they may use their sharp teeth to defend themselves. You must hire a professional possum trapping service in Sydney.

Dispatching possums is an easy four-step process.

When handling possums, ASRS Pest Control uses a four-step standard procedure. Customers across Sydney can rely on us to provide same-day possum removal, emergency possum removal, and dead possum removal. The local wildlife departments assist us in moving these animals safely.

Performing an inspection

When you need an emergency possum removal in Sydney, we can send one of our expert possum catchers to visit you right away. We will thoroughly search your property for any spots where these animals may be hiding. As well as identifying infestations and damage caused by the insects, we will place any risks possums may pose to you and your property, as well as how they are entering your building.

As well as determining what type of possum lives in your property, we will also look around for other pests. The ringtail and brushtail possums make up the most considerable portion of Sydney's possum population.

Detailed Removal scheme.

According to the inspection results, a member of our crew will implement a possum removal service the same day. The plan's details will be information on the removal process itself, how long it will take, and whether government approval is required.

The research and support team examines possum behaviour and handles the legalities related to this type of work.

Procedures for Removal

Following the plan, our OEH-certified technicians will safely remove them from your property. When our team performs our possum trapping services, we use cage traps made from wire mesh. Following New South Wales government guidelines, we check these cages every morning in the early morning.

Professional possum removal services in Sydney can be found online or from a variety of pest control companies in Sydney. While the cost of professional possum removal may vary depending on your location and other factors, it can be worth it to hire ASRS pest control professionals for your property to prevent further damage from the animal. To experience pest free environment call us @ 042 303 2020, 1300 277700.

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